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GTC 2015: A Short History of Deep Learning, ImageNet (part 4)
GTC 2015: The Big Bang of Deep Learning (part 5)
GTC 2015: GPUs Fuel the Rise of Deep Learning (part 1)
GTC 2017: Big Bang of Modern AI (NVIDIA keynote part 4)
Highlights of GTC 2015
GPU Image Processing on Giant Surfaces
What you probably didn't know about ImageNet and AI #artificialintelligence #ai #chatbots #shorts
CS8850: History of ML
Keynote - Alison B Lowndes at IntelliSys 2015 - Deep Learning: Impact on Modern Life
Koala Reading Historic AI ep #1 :Computer Vision - AlexNet (2012) , GANs (2014) , ResNet (2015)
Deep Learning And It's History
GTC 2015: Teaching Deep Neural Networks, Introducing DIGITS DevBox (part 6)